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peep INCH Graffiti Artist and Street Artist talks to peep in Newcastle Studio

INCH Graffiti Artist talks TNS, Richard Ramirez Chronicle and NEXUS

peep talk to INCH. The most prolific Graffiti Artist in North East England talks to peep and discusses the night stalker Richard Ramirez, graffiti artist - seen, subway art, TNS crew in Newcastle, Street art in Newcastle, Newcastle Crews, Influences, Fanzines and Exhibitions. peep magazine also delve into his past and the history of Graffiti Art in our Trade Roots Special - 'Selfish Arrows'

INCH gives first ever audio interview right within our studio in the centre of Newcastle. He also discusses where in in his opinion, Graffiti street art originated from, which was discovered looking at a Stevie Wonder album that clearly marks a Street graffiti 'Tag' behind him on a wall.

This Graffiti 'Tag' pre-dates our conversation regarding the New York graffiti origins.

Want to check the full 'uncut' interview ? Please go straight to this link and sit back and listen to this journalistic Gem of an interview. INCH graffiti artist and writer in newcastle talks to peep

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