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UK's First Alternative and Surrealist Comedian Wavis O' shave and The Hard 'Felt Nowt' talk to peep

Celebrating 40 Years of the channel 4 radical TV programme - The Tube Newcastle upon Tyne

peep interview Britains first alternative and surrealist comedian - Wavis O' Shave with the notorious character 'The Hard' 'Felt Nowt' from the channle 4 tyne tees television series - The Tube in Newcastle upon Tyne. Wavis O' Shave made popular the 'Celebrity Ambush', which roughly translates into 'stalking' popular celebrities including Tyson Fury, John Lydon ( Sex Pistols ) , Harry Hill, Ricky Gervais and Kenny Everet.

Wavis explains, that he took the inspiration form Martin Scorsese's black comedy - 'King Of Comedy' where Robert De Niro plays the character 'Rupert Pupkin', who desperatly tries to succeed as an alternative TV Comic on the Gerry Lee Lewis show.

Wavis discusses a resurgence in his career since peep interviewed him around two years ago, which was an exclusive 'never seen before interview' with the famous television character 'The Hard' and his 'Felt Nowt' cacth phrase.

Wavis also mentions a script idea that had visions of being a feature film, but the only problem was, he needed 8,000 pounds to get this idea in motion. Unfortunately, Wavis did not have that available cash at the time so he did what any respectable artist would do . . . contact Anni-Frid Lyngstad from the swedish band - ABBA of course. Wavis had inside information that Anna could possible be interested in script ideas.

Wavis O' Shaves long time childhood friend 'Phil The Gap' recalls being on set at the Channel 4 production days in the south shields area of Newcastle. Phil remembers the TV crew (who were all wearing Barbour Jackets at the time) not being very pleased when Wavis explained he would like to introduce new characters to his comedy act.

( Editors Note ) peep would like this opportunity to explain the Barbour Jackets have now been replaced with North Face jackets, but the pompous middle class attidutes still remain the same.

The new characters Wavis wanted to introduce were "Mister Stary Oot" and "Mr Ordinary Powder" along with other side shows including an X-Rated Punch and Judy style show called "The No Sweary Puppet Show" which basically translated into a foul mouthed geordie master class !

Wavis O' Shave ( real name unkown) famously turned down six episodes of the "The Hard" for a channel 4 tv production series, explaines further that he has absolutely no regrets in doing this, as he was not interested in being a british houshold name.

Watch the latest interview with Wavis O'Shave and the Hard Felt Nowt exclusive interview for celebrating 40 years of the tyne tees television show the tube Newcastle upon tyne.

Watch peep interview 'The Hard' 'Felt Nowt' interview

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