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Freak Daddy Graphic Novels. Where it all started. Guerrilla Marketing

Writer's picture: peeppeep

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

This is where my Guerrilla Marketing all started. The Freak Daddy Graphic Novel was my first solo adventure into publishing, creating and illustration.

Freak Daddy Graphic Novels first ever print run of 100 Comics.
100 Freak Daddy Novels Issue one B/W Front Cover. Printed and self funded

ISSUES 1, 2 & 3

I had been illustrating, painting and drawing since I was about three years old, fast forward a few years to 1999 - FreakDaddy was born. My love for 'Blacksploitation' movies and Robert Beck ( Iceberg Slim ) books gave me the inspiration to complete a huge Graphic Novel journey. I was compiling the comic whilst holing down a full time job in the city of Newcastle, along with many late nights and weekends, endlessly drawing, conceptualising and painting a mini narrative, I finally managed to complete my first issue ( pictured above) I spent a few quid on a print-run of 100 issues. I had already established my outlets, which, at that point, was only 'The Trent House'. My marketing and self publishing journey had began !

Freak daddy comics Pinnacle Of Punishment, Magic Miserable Bitchez,  Kasebo Spell.
Freak Daddy Comics Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3

Pinnacle of Punishment.

The narrative of the first issue was loosely based around a 'Pimp' living in Chicago, around the early 60s going into the 70s. I document his struggle with suicide, depression and drug taking, whilst shaking down other drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes. His name was Sraidos De Cannonville (AKA FreakDaddy). He also had a secret benefactor by the name of 'Cluade' who was a police commissionaire and not a stranger to the murky underworld of police bribery and protection. My first issue documents their relationship with crime and how they both turn the city upside down to their advantage.

Cliff Sainsbury wearing Freak Daddy T-Shirt and standing in front of freak Daddy painted back drop.
Cliff Sainsbury with Freak Daddy backdrop

( above picture ) - Cliff Sainsbury holding a selection of images against the Freak Daddy backdrop.

This was me showing a selection of images from Freakdaddy issue one publication. The backdrop was completed and hand painted for my upcoming exhibition at Newcastle's Black Swan Arts Centre. This was also my first flat. I never gave it a second bit of notice , but I was only in my early twenties and living on my own with a full fime job ! And, Selling my own Graphic Novel. Not bad going.

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